Guidelines for virtual presentations


  • Install all the software (ie Zoom, Powerpoint) that would be required for your presentation.
  • Configure and test your video and sound set-up on the actual desktop or laptop computer you would be using for the live presentation.
  • For optimal sound quality and to prevent echo, use a USB headset or dedicated microphone with headphones.
  • Position your camera in a stable position and at eye level for better engagement with the audience. A head and shoulders profile is recommended.
  • Make sure you have sufficient lighting in front of you. Natural light is best but if this is not sufficient, you may use cool light (not warm) LED lights of at least 10W focused at 45 degree angels in front of you.
  • Make sure you have reliable internet with a recommended minimum connection speed of 5 MB/s. Go to to test your speed.
  • Be mindful of the surroundings with a clean background that contrasts with your clothes.
  • Check the load-shedding schedule in your area and make sure to have alternative arrangements in place should you be affected.
  • Familiarise yourself with how to share a presentation using the webinar software. Ensure that you share the actual presentation and not your screen.

On the day

  • Plug your computer into a power source.
  • Turn off all notification sounds on your computer and phone.
  • Close all applications and browser windows that you do not need in your presentation.
  • Have a print out of your presentation in front of you with a glass of water at your side.
  • Make sure that you will not be disturbed.
  • Open your presentation before joining the webinar.
  • Join the webinar at least 15 minutes before the start to make sure everything is working.
  • Look at the camera and not the screen.
  • Be mindful of time, leave enough time for Q&A.